

Before hurricane season hits, consider preparing your boat in case of a storm. Some advance planning can help protect your boat in a hurricane.

飓风是一种热带风暴,伴随着风力 每小时74英里以上. 它们经常导致海平面上升, increased tides and more than two or three inches of rainfall per hour. Hurricane season typically starts in either May (north Pacific) or June (Atlantic and Caribbean) and extends through the end of November. 重要的是要有 飓风疏散计划 在飓风季节之前就位. 在飓风中保护你的船, some advance planning and preparation can help minimize loss.

What is the difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane warning?

By understanding the difference between a watch and a warning, it can help provide a timeframe of how long it might be before a storm may start and how long you have to secure your boat.

  • Watch: means that hurricane conditions are possible in the area in 48 hours.
  • Warning: means hurricane conditions are expected in the area within 36 hours.

The 国家飓风中心 can help keep you up to date on any hurricane or tropical storm-related weather events.

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  • Remove anything that isn’t permanently attached to the boat, 比如桨, dinghies, cushions, toys, 碗碟和电子产品, 储存在干燥的陆地上安全的地方.
  • 看那船的部件,比如舵柄, 轮子和吊杆, 是否牢固地固定在船上以防止移动.
  • 锁好所有窗户、门和舱口.
  • Consider adding anti-chafing protection to the areas of the boat that come in contact with rope.
  • 保留所有重要的文件,比如 船pp王者电子官网 policies, 身份证, 划船执照和登记, 整理并储存在陆地上安全的地方.
  • Create an inventory list of all the boating equipment you own.
  • Take pictures of everything in case the storm causes damage and you need to file a claim.
  • 如果你的船停靠在码头, talk to the operator to help prevent any confusion when the time comes to tie up or pull your boat from the water.
  • 如果你打算把船开到 飓风洞 渡过暴风雨, charge your boat's radio before your vessel leaves port so you can get up-to-the-minute weather bulletins.
  • Practice boat evacuation drills frequently to help prevent panic in case an unexpected hurricane hits.


To help minimize damage to your boat during a hurricane, try to store it on dry land if possible. 考虑一下这些存储技巧:

  • 把它储存在尽可能远的内陆.
  • If you have the option, store your boat in a garage or storage unit.
  • 使用重型线路 把它固定在拖车上 或者储物架.
  • Place blocks around the wheels and deflate the tires to help prevent the trailer from rolling.
  • 避免将船放在吊柱或液压升降机上.


如果你不能把船停在陆地上, here are some precautions you might take to help minimize damage when leaving it in water:

  • Position the boat's bow in the direction of the prevailing winds.
  • Anchor the boat with at least two anchors that each have an anchor line length equivalent to 10 times the water depth at the mooring location.
  • Add some additional fenders to help protect the sides of the boat from hitting the pier.
  • Cover the vents in the engine room and plug the exhaust pipes in the stern to help prevent water from flooding the motor.


Even if you take the proper precautions before a hurricane, your property may still be damaged. 如果安全的话, 暴风雨过后检查一下你的财产 has passed. Powerful storms can knock down electrical wires, create dangerous roads and spread hazardous debris. 当当地政府说可以安全上船的时候, 留意燃油泄漏, 缺少船坞板, 下水道堵塞和其他危险.

It’s a good idea to wear boots and gloves to inspect your boat. 下面这些东西也可以派上用场:

  • Camera
  • Duct tape
  • Extra line
  • Trash bags
  • 清洗装置
  • 防腐喷涂

If your boat isn't sunk or beached, first try to take pictures from as many angles as possible. 接下来,试着去除任何盐、泥和水分. 然后清除舱底和泵内可能存在的任何杂物. Duct tape can temporarily secure broken rigging or railings as well as seal cracks and holes. You may also want to check the water level in the bilge for any underwater damage, 检查厨房和引擎燃油系统是否损坏.

如果你的船沉了, 搁浅或需要救助, 请与您的pp王者电子官网代理人联系,以获得如何进行的指导. Salvaging a boat is difficult and best left to the professionals.


确保你有 充足的船舶pp王者电子官网 满足你的需要—— 它可以帮助保护你 避免了拥有和经营一艘船的诸多风险. 欲了解更多信息,请联系您的 当地pp王者电子官网代理人.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.





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Help stay safe on the water by being prepared with these boat safety tips.


当飓风需要疏散时, 以下是你可以做些什么来帮助保护你的家, 宠物和财产.