

High temperatures, humidity, strong winds and hurricanes can really take a toll on homes. 你有没有想过用防风窗来保护自己?

风暴的窗户 are generally less expensive than complete window replacements for your home. 就像 抗冲击瓦, storm windows add a layer of protection to your home while potentially increasing your comfort.


防风窗是玻璃的, rigid plastic or flexible plastic panels that fit over your windows on either the interior or exterior – they basically pop into place. 风暴的窗户 can be left in place all year long if you’re not one to open your windows to allow the breeze in. 然而,如果你愿意,它们可以很容易地去除. 据《pg电子官方网页版》报道,防风窗的平均成本是, 每个窗口售价在372美元到428美元之间.


外观: Exterior storm windows are usually made with framing of aluminum, vinyl or wood. 铝是最轻的,需要最少的维护, but the metal can become hot when the sun shines on it which might affect your energy costs. Vinyl resists sunlight but can crack or warp when extremely hot. And wood requires the most maintenance and might need replacing sooner.

内部: 这些都很容易安装,拆卸和维护. 室内窗户由丙烯酸制成, 塑料或玻璃的,不需要框架, 这使得它们很轻. These windows are good for apartments and other buildings with more than one level when you can’t easily access the exterior.

临时: These are considered a quick fix if you can’t afford to buy a more permanent window. Temporary storm windows can be a film that is heat shrunk to the frame or an acrylic panel placed inside the pane. These solutions will keep the cold air out but require replacing every year.


If you're looking to update your windows or considering adding storm windows to your existing ones, 在这里 are a few ways storm windows might help protect you and your home. 如欲了解更多有关 窗口功能 来自全国房屋评级委员会.

  • 防止强烈阳光的防护: Look for storm windows that feature low-emissivity (low-e) glass coatings. 这些玻璃经过处理以减少太阳的辐射, which may help reduce fading of furniture and indoor surfaces and make your home feel more comfortable.
  • 提高能源效率和公用事业成本: Double pane storm windows can lessen air movement between the window units. When you slow the rate of heat transfer, you may find you spend less cooling your home. Look for storm windows with a low U-factor, which means the panes will better resist heat flow.
  • 减少冷凝和损坏风险: When humid exterior air meets a surface cooled by air conditioning (your window), 凝结在玻璃的内部形成. 凝结不仅会挡住你的视线, 但湿气也会损坏窗台, 墙壁和家具. 因为防风窗在窗户单元之间截留空气, they lessen the effects of condensation and keep residual drips away from your interior surfaces.
  • 在大风中提供额外的阻力; 强风 飞行的碎片会损坏你的窗户. Look for storm windows that feature tempered glass — it's far stronger than normal glass that crumbles rather than shatters upon impact. 或者考虑一下专门为 飓风风暴窗. These windows typically have a polyvinyl layer sandwiched between two layers of glass for added durability.
  • 改善降噪效果: 如果你的家在一个特别嘈杂的地方, storm windows can help mute outside sounds by trapping them in the air space between panes. Look for windows that have a high Sound Transmission Class rating, 哪个表明声学性能更好.

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The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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How a storm shelter or safe room can help protect against severe weather

Constructing a storm shelter space within your home can help protect you from natural disasters and weather emergencies.


如果你想换个屋顶, now's a great time to upgrade to sturdier materials to create an impact-resistant roof that may save you time, 金钱和麻烦在路上.


With these fixes, you can keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.


Look at these tips to save money on winter energy expenses and help winterize your home w在这里ver you live.